It is important to know that Agile Management isn’t just technological actions, as commonly believed,...
Agile Management as the bedrock of collaborative working
In recent years, the digital world has been transforming not only the way we live,...
Do success and intelligence go hand in hand?
Have you ever questioned your abilities, your potential or your intelligence when facing a challenge?...
Why is it important to have a disruptive leader?
Previously, we stated that the disruptive leader is someone who is always looking for better...
What is Disruptive Leadership?
One of the terms related to global trends is ‘disruption’. When we talk about disruption,...
Boost your professional development
We recently showed you options for creating a Personal Development Plan. When we talk about...
Personal development plan: Let’s get to know ourselves bit better
We know and understand that human talent is the most important capital for companies, considering...
Success case: the impact of 360° Feedback
360° Feedback assessments are tools that provide a diagnostic of an employee, completed by people...
Organisational culture and values
When variables like organisational culture and values are in line with one another, they have...
The biology of habits
Each day we engage in a countless number of routines that we have acquired over...
Effective conversations and growth
A practical guide for leaders Motivating, developing and empathising with our employees have become the...
The leader we all strive to be
Previously we discussed leadership, referring to it as a person’s ability to motivate, inspire and...