How organizational culture influences people’s behavior

For a long time, consciously or unconsciously, the importance of establishing an organization’s culture has been underestimated, but it is actually an intangible aspect that actively transforms a company’s -tangible- results.

Fortunately, people in charge of talent management and even team leaders know how valuable the role of organizational culture is in internal strategy and how it influences people’s behavior.

The members of an organization, even if they have different behavioral profiles, tend to adopt, over time, similar behaviors and attitudes due to an already installed organizational culture. In this sense, leaders have the challenge of finding, if necessary, opportunities for collective improvement and transforming the values, customs, behaviors and implicit norms that shape the organization’s culture on a daily basis.

According to a recent Gallup study, highly engaged teams can increase company profits by up to 21%. And this figure should not be underestimated; the advent of COVID-19 has shown us that companies with a weak culture are more vulnerable than those where people feel more engaged.

For this reason, efforts must always be oriented towards people, so that they can develop their talents and competencies. If a person feels that he or she has opportunities to grow professionally within the organization, he or she will be more motivated to face the challenges that arise.

A study by Culture 500 (MITSloan Management Review) revealed that the aspects most highly valued by employees of the top 500 global companies were the quality and transparency of their leaders’ communication, placing organizational culture among the top management priorities.

It is clear that if the organizational culture is not transformed in accordance with the new needs and opportunities, including values, beliefs, forms of behavior, as well as the mission, objectives and priorities; in spite of the efforts made, the necessary transformation will not really be achieved.

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