Why is it important to have a disruptive leader?

Previously, we stated that the disruptive leader is someone who is always looking for better solutions and ways to establish new processes and who wants to make an impact on the business as a whole, without worrying about shaking up things or altering the paths to obtain the necessary results.

Organisations need a team led by someone with the ability to react to change, someone who encourages collaborators to face the challenges of today’s business world, with features such as innovative and critical thinking, and who also contributes to restructuring the company itself.

In addition to adopting ideas outside the more traditional view, leaders with disruptive talent are able to anticipate trends before they emerge, or they simply create new paths to achieve goals, as they are not paralysed by uncertainty.

The disruptive leader is a key element to ensure sustainability, profitability and the organisation’s long-term relevance.

How do we recognise a disruptive leader?

  • Open-minded
  • They are curious
  • They do not fear uncertainty
  • They fail to conform to rules
  • They communicate transparently

Disruptive leadership aims at changing rules to simplify execution and collaborative team work. To become a role model, the disruptive leader perfectly understands the difference between authoritarian power and team power and that, for there to be cohesion, communication plays an important role. It is important to ask the right questions and cooperate with the answers and solutions.

Read more about the types of leadership in the following article 

What type of leader are you?

One of the tools that help drive decision-making is the PDA Assessment (Personal Development Analysis): a simple, precise and scientifically validated methodology which allows to describe and analyse the behavioural profile of individuals.

This is why, through the self-awareness, this assessment provides, each person can learn about the characteristics of their own style (decision-making, problem solving, motivators, etc.), as well as their time management skills.

Give it a go and find out your leadership style through a free trial of our PDA Assessment! Click here
