Paola Albornoz

Leadership and Neuroscience
Each day more and more companies understand the need to focus their attention on the internal relations, motivation, satisfaction and well-being of employees in relation...
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Offer employees a happy work environment
A good work environment brings diverse benefits to organisations, such as: increasing employee commitment, well-being and satisfaction, as well as building solid work teams and...
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Close out 2018 with a better work environment
One of the conditions that employees value most within organisations is a pleasant, safe and positive work environment. A good work environment encourages well-being, satisfaction,...
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From talent to candidate in relocation
That’s how outplacement works. Facing redundancy and transforming it into a source of opportunities, without viewing it as a failure, is a major professional and...
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What do we mean when we talk about outplacement?
Human beings establish support networks as a part of our daily lives: our family, friends, activities and work responsibilities give us a sense of stability,...
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Diversity as organisational culture
A major challenge for organisations is managing diversity, understanding the value of each collaborator, ensuring that the talent feel involved as there is recognition of...
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Diversity management, where each and every one of us is valuable
Each day we step through the doors of our organisation to share our tasks with different personalities, thoughts, values, origins and purposes. We are in...
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How can you measure your staff’s potential?
Today, organisations that opt for talent management as a critical process are the ones that gain an edge over their competition, taking on the challenge...
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Find your purpose by exploring your potential
Organisations that work on developing the potential of their employees don’t just boost productivity, they also strengthen the company for the future.  A person’s self-realisation...
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On the road towards digital transformation
When promoting digital strategies for organisations, the first step is to understand the company’s capabilities in order to begin the journey towards transformation and, thereupon,...
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