Find your purpose by exploring your potential

Organisations that work on developing the potential of their employees don’t just boost productivity, they also strengthen the company for the future.  A person’s self-realisation needs at work and the effectiveness of the company they work for are closely related. The employee can achieve their own personal goals while fulfilling those of the company, achieving greater performance.

When we talk about potential, we are referring to the perfect combination between a person’s current capabilities and their possible roles in the future, bearing in mind the person’s long-term capacity for personal growth and possible changes of direction. At the company level, we are referring to managing a strategy that contributes to the efficient allocation of talent in future job positions.

Companies are capable of both developing and limiting the potential of their employees. The most common way to limit potential is to not get involved in the career development process, wasting the majority of the staff’s latent potential by not nourishing it.

As leaders, we have the duty to identify our staff’s expectations, aptitudes or competencies in order to predict their possibilities in the future.

It is necessary to understand the employee-organisation relationship, where one of the organisational objectives must aim at promoting self-realisation, so that talent can find meaning, stimulating satisfaction through organisation, motivation and commitment.

It is important to provide participants of any programme on potential with some type of feedback or support that allows them to work on their development through self-awareness. Knowing one’s own profile and how to cope with career advancements are key aspects to raising awareness in terms of where we are and where we want to go, building a path in line with our motivations and the organisation’s objectives.

Ebook👉 Conoce las 5 tendencias que están transformando el panorama laboral.