From talent to candidate in relocation

That’s how outplacement works.

Facing redundancy and transforming it into a source of opportunities, without viewing it as a failure, is a major professional and personal challenge for both the employee and for the organisation.

Thus outplacement emerges as a way to address this situation, a technique aimed at helping collaborators experience the best possible transition between work centres, as well as an opportunity for growth where people have the chance to maximise their aptitudes and abilities. This technique often involves psychological assistance to cope with the job loss, which tends to entail a very high level of stress. Read more about Outplacement.

Usually in Human Resources, when we refer to a candidate, we are talking about an applicant for a position that may or may not become a part of the recruitment and selection process. In Outplacement, the candidate is talent that needs to be relocated.

Some benefits

  • It guarantees that the transition can be managed successfully by redefining the talent’s new career plan.
  • It helps the talent who has been made redundant to adapt to the new realities of the labour market, update their profile and contact networks, and provides them with training to sharpen some of their skills.
  • It reduces conflicts and minimises the emotional burden that these types of processes often entail.
  • It allows for alignment with company objectives.
  • It opportunely manages resistance to change through proactivity and support. The result will be a staff person much more committed and willing to tackle new challenges.

Without a doubt, outplacement contributes to the employability of professionals affected by restructuring processes and changes within organisations.

Become a part of the process of building their potential!