Towards a diverse organisational culture

“Companies with diverse teams have more possibilities of success than those with homogeneous teams,” explains María Ballesteros, manager at Hays Mexico.

It’s about being free, creating a culture that starts with leaders and reaches the entire organisation, where the sense of diversity and inclusion is allowed, as happens in life.

When we talk about cultural diversity in organisations, we’re referring to matters of gender, age, religion, ethnicity and political views. The goal of a cultural transformation which points towards diversity is to acknowledge the value of individuals as human beings, in such a way that every employee feel the freedom of being who they are.

Fortunately, for these past few years there has been a change of mind and there is currently a great number of companies which have already hired people from different genders and age range, elderly people and people with disabilities, etc. We are transforming.

It is important that organisations follow this line of thought and that Human Resources professionals have a cultural transformation strategy based on inclusion: diverse work teams enrich one another.

This strategy we mention is based on understanding differences of any kind, where there is an environment of open and, above all, effective communication.

Benefits of a diverse organisational culture

For organisations, cultural diversity adds value, since everyone takes into account everyone’s opinions. It is about creating work teams in which each person improves thanks to others: this is aligned with horizontal organisational cultures. In addition, when a company is diverse, decision making notably improves, since there are fewer opinions and perspectives, which is why those organisations will have more alternatives when having to make a decision.

For the clients, being culturally diverse helps you reach them easier, and a notable improvement is seen in the brand’s image.

Candidates value organisations with social purposes so much more. The environment is richer, and working in this kind of company is considerably enjoyable.

We all have something to teach and we all have something to learn: the difference is what makes us rich.

Ebook👉 Conoce las 5 tendencias que están transformando el panorama laboral.