The Challenge of Organisational Agility

It is important to know that agility is not limited to technological actions, as commonly believed; it must be accompanied by major behavioural changes as well as skills tied to accepting change for ensuring the sustainability of these actions. In addition, we must mention the pandemic that has accelerated many transformation processes. 

Agile Management  

In other publications, we discussed Agile Management as a project management methodology that develops creative work teams, focused on innovation and change. 

This methodology is based on a leadership style that brings together teams so that they work with the objective of responding to “unpredictability,” which allows them to change course, provide authority and transparency, and facilitate communication with the customer or user while providing a product or service. 

The Agile methodology seeks to strengthen work teams in order to boost their level of response and encourage collaborative working. 

The challenges of organisational agility 

  • Rethinking centralisation, standardization, and operating efficiency as basic organisational principles. 
  • Changing basic organisational processes such as budgeting, outsourcing technological services, or management by objectives. 
  • Measuring the business impact. 
  • Executives leading agile initiatives. 
  • Acceleration of strategic and tactics integrations in companies belonging to the same or different sectors in the value chain. 
  • Implementation of remote work. 
  • Generalisation of digital transactions and payments, not only in the private sector, but also with administration. 


So, agile transformations must include the entire organisation and be led by executives. How agile is your organisation?

Ebook👉 Conoce las 5 tendencias que están transformando el panorama laboral.