Reskilling and Upskilling Make More Sense Now

This year, according to LinkedIn’s latest study, 51% of companies around the world plan to implement upskilling programmes in their organisations, and 47% of them plan to implement reskilling programmes. 

Although these words are not new, they have gained ground during 2020. Now, how can we differentiate them? 

Reskilling Upskilling 
Is the constant learning of new skills, and it has become essential for dealing with the future world of work without being left behind.  That is to say, if the company has talented employees, but the area where they work is becoming obsolete, the best option is not to let their expertise fall behind and incorporate new talent for new areas, but to train those people so that they can use their talent in a different area.   It refers to the additional training, regarding other areas, that an employee needs in order to work more effectively.  Unlike reskilling, this implies providing training on additional skills but keeping the individuals on the same positions, instead of changing their work dramatically.   

Today’s challenge for organisations is to be able to identify their employees’ potential to provide them with the training they require to adapt to the needs of the environment and improve their skills.

Ebook👉 Conoce las 5 tendencias que están transformando el panorama laboral.