Positive work environment in digital environments

A positive work environment brings diverse benefits to organisations, such as: an increase in employee commitment, well-being and satisfaction; solid work teams and goal achievement in the best way possible, thus having an impact on productivity.
Currently, when digitization takes centre stage, some aspects must be present in employee-organisation relationships.  

Valuing the team: valuing employee opinions is key to maintaining a good work environment. People are an organisation’s most valuable asset. 

Managing problems:all companies go through hard times, i.e. situations that can arise but that can be overcome through dedication and joint effort, thus strengthening the group’s spirit. 

Strengthening relationships: a company is comprised of people that have different work styles, habits and ways of undertaking and carrying out tasks and projects. This should be turned into a strength, given that it helps build work teams with diverse viewpoints. 

Lots of communication: communication is vital for maintaining a good work environment. A variety of communication channels, whether in person or digital, must always be available. 

The attitude with which we tackle work day in and day out is key to the work environment. Overcoming personal problems is an expression of mature relationships. Being kind, showing interest and starting conversations will help have an optimal day at work. 

A good flow of communication, not pointing fingers at others when they make mistakes, celebrating and sharing the success of our co-workers, always maintaining a positive, collaborative and constructive attitude. 

Would you like to learn more about this topic? 

Enjoy this TED talk with Coach Sharissa Sebastian

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