Organisations that become change accelerators

When company leaders cultivate a change-oriented mindset in their teams, all the pieces of the operating system tend to be influenced by the emergence of a successful agile work model.
In this article, we will discuss a few cases of organisations that decided to adopt this mindset.

Kellogg, well-being from the inside out.
Kellogg promotes values among its employees through diversity and inclusion policies, ensuring that everyone feels like they belong, regardless of their cultural diversity, religion, age and/or sexual orientation. It has programmes that increase opportunities, tools and support resources to ensure that employees find work-life balance, reaffirming, from the inside, the well-being of its teams.
These policies are not solely aimed at employees; the company has a Provider Global Conduct Code, which asks that stakeholders treat employees with fairness, respect and dignity, by way of cultivating a work environment that is free of harassment, discrimination, child labour, forced labour or other types of physical coercion.

Roche puts its trust in agile leaders.
The renowned healthcare company launched a global leadership initiative as a key element of its transformation towards becoming more agile. Efforts included the design of a four day programme with a combined focus on personal-professional balance. Thus far, more than 4000 leaders have participated, helping to update collective know-how and their skills when it comes to implementing change.

What happens when organisations are agile “natives”?
Agile “native” organisations are quite common in the tech sector, such as Spotify or Riot Games. Most of these companies must go through a transformation of mindset so that it can become sustainable in each area of the organisation and not just in production. To make this possible, the work pace, scope and trainings that nurture employees’ sense of belonging must be unified.

Now that you understand this distinction, in which stage would you place your organisation: awaiting transformation, undergoing transformation or is it an agile “native”?
Keywords: Agile HR, Mindset, cultural transformation, change agents

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