Motivation and organisational culture

The culture of an organisation is an intangible aspect that transforms the tangible results of the organisation itself. By doing so, culture becomes a key asset in achieving organisational goals.

Fortunately, talent managers and human resources consultants, even some team leaders, understand the value of the role of culture within an organisation’s internal strategy and how it impacts on employee behaviour.

An employee’s perception of their organisation directly influences their motivation and, therefore, their performance in their daily tasks. If an employee sees that there are opportunities for professional growth within the company, they will feel more motivated when it comes to dealing with challenges as they emerge.

When does Organisational Culture start to affect costs?

Organisations are challenged to find ways to improve their overall productivity and performance. That’s why there’s the possibility of making improvements based on organisational culture. For this, the current culture can be used as a starting point to make the changes deemed necessary.

If the culture of an organisation is aligned with its objectives, it can turn into a competitive advantage and a “strategic asset” that supports success. On the other hand, if the culture is not aligned, there will be a greater tendency to being inefficient, impaired performance and lack of effectiveness in achieving objectives.

If employees feel discouraged, their productivity, health and satisfaction will be at stake, which for the organisation means loss of money.

A company’s success will be largely the result of the good performance of employees, so it’s important that they feel happy, committed to work and motivated to provide contributions. Organisations cannot ignore their culture since it’s an essential part of any company’s operations and this is how employees perceive it.

Ebook👉 Conoce las 5 tendencias que están transformando el panorama laboral.