How to overcome employee demotivation

The blog against flight of talent

Talent drain has its origin in the inadequate management of human capital: the lack of understanding causes the abandonment of thousands of jobs a year that could have possibly been avoided. Many times imperative leadership methodologies are used.

In this sense, the 2018 The Global Talent Competitiveness Index report pointed out that turnover in companies worldwide exceeded 10% on average. Some reasons why employees leave organisations — highlighted by some Work Institute studies — include, but are not limited to: the lack of opportunities for growth, the lack of recognition, timely feedback, and the absence of pleasant work environments.

But that’s not all. The physical and emotional discomfort of employees is another turning point. In fact, in 2017 the World Health Organisation (WHO) indicated that mental health problems have generated global losses of up to USD 1 billion per year due to lack of productivity. An example is the Burnout syndrome: a physical, emotional and mental exhaustion that generates loss of interest in work and leads to severe depression. Therefore, the lack of balance between family and work and general malaise are key reasons to leave a job.

Feedback to the rescue!

Having constant feedback in an organisation is necessary for all workers have specific parameters that allow them to know where they stand, observe their opportunities for improvement and incorporate new tools for their daily performance. It does not just concern bosses evaluating and monitoring the goals of their employees: organisations in general must provide more appealing performance information and, thus, obtain comprehensive information with broader views. One of the tools to achieve this goal can be the PDA 360° FEEDBACK. For more information, click here

Retaining talent will avoid higher expenses in recruitment and selection due to high turnover of staff. Induction and training costs will also decrease, as will the time to adapt to the work environment, while the relationship with customers will be reinforced.

It is important that the practices implemented make the work an experience where people feel that they learn, enjoy and grow.

Ebook👉 Conoce las 5 tendencias que están transformando el panorama laboral.