Flexibility and emotional salary

Organisations aligned with work flexibility, one of today’s Human Resources trends, aim at boosting emotional salary. An employee is highly valued through their emotional salary.

According to the United Kingdom’s Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, the term “flexible work” describes a type of work agreement that provides for a certain degree of flexibility with regards to various aspects.

More specifically, we are talking about work time, location and pattern. The options are as varied as the worker’s needs.

What does work flexibility consist of?

  • Work-life balance
  • Improving employee quality of life
  • Enhancing productivity
  • Promoting savings initiatives

A global vision

This trend has caused countries to redesign their employment policies under the framework of more flexible labour relations focused on trainings and a heightened social dimension.

In this sense, we can mention the cases of the United States and France. The United States has been consistently reducing unemployment since 2009 through the flexible work arrangement, while France is characterised for high unionisation rates, inflexible contracts and high employment taxes, which generates 33% less productivity than other developed countries.

Anyone can ask their employer for a flexible work arrangement and enjoy the benefits of such:

  • Increase commitment
  • Attract talent
  • Reduce absenteeism

The opportunity to work with flexibility improves our ability to align our purpose with our actions, allowing us to operate in increasingly committed contexts.

Ebook👉 Conoce las 5 tendencias que están transformando el panorama laboral.