Edtech; the evolution of education

“The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.” Jean Piaget

Education technology is in full development worldwide, transforming the way we learn and teach. At the same time, this practice works on improving the quality of learning. EdTech is the abbreviation of Educational Technology.

A way to optimize academic performance is to generate knowledge with less paper books and more technology. As education models have not evolved, the classroom experience is the same as it was 100 years ago.

However, in line with the above, when looking outside the classroom, reality proves otherwise. Everyone uses technology in one way or another, whether to communicate, research, learn, train, develop or professionalize teams of work.

Marc Prensky, Founder and Executive Director of The Global Future Education Foundation and Institute, states that today’s education campuses and pedagogy have unnecessarily and painfully become complicated, ignoring the real needs of students and the world. The sign is clear, and it is time to reassess the meaning of good and effective education in the digital age.

The use of technology is intended to improve teaching/learning processes and, therefore, the education system.

Even when choosing a career or course of study, young people tend to turn to technology as an ally to minimize errors in such an important decision. The objective of vocational orientation tests is to know or identify the abilities or interests of the young as a first step in addressing the world of careers and professions.

For the first time, education is part of an innovation movement. EdTech has started to play a significant role in the enrichment of the teaching process.

Will you be part of the education revolution?

Ebook👉 Conoce las 5 tendencias que están transformando el panorama laboral.