Building better businesses post-COVID

Our advice for entrepreneurs and business owners to recover after COVID-19 is to adopt an objective vision of their organisations, analysing every critical aspect to guarantee their success and sustainability. The effects of COVID-19 have taught us the importance of having sustainable businesses to guarantee our financial support and well-being, as well as that of our employees. The actions to achieve this desired result are part of what we call “business mindset”, an essential element for the success of any organisation.  

Objective analysis 

An adapted objective viewpoint must observe and uncover the aspects of the organisation that will lead and guide the activities so that the business reaches the desired results, as well as guarantee that the organisation has team members who are highly committed and aligned to the company’s intentions and values.  

High energy environments are essential for organisations to be healthy and successful. The energy in businesses is created through the circumstances and the people.  

Vision and trust 

The objective analysis begins with a leader who knows where they’re headed, a value created for the consumers and the economy. A leader must be clear in terms of the value that the products and the services of the organisation will bring to the customers, and must have extensive knowledge about how to put them on the market. A leader must be sure of the operating process, the resources and the ability necessary to attain the company’s goals.  

Business base 

The second area of this approach has to do with the business base, which must guarantee the provision of commercial functional areas compatible with the structural needs of the organisation, making sure that the following aspects are in ideal condition: financial management, operative quality, market communications and consumer awareness, as well as staff functions, structure and compensation. 


The third area of this approach is clarity when defining the organisation’s purpose and detailing its resulting indicators. The company needs to clearly define the intentions of the results and provide significant indicators that will result in success and in a boost of sustainability oriented to goals. Stakeholders’ indicators are crucial, including customers, employees, suppliers, the environment, the communities, donors and the government. 

Every stakeholder indicator must be clearly defined and structured so that all the members of the organisation’s staff support and work towards fulfilling expectations. As we know, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure”. 

Purpose and commitment 

The fourth area of this approach is employee commitment; in this area, the organisation’s energy can push their progress forward or backwards. Each person is constantly creating energy during their interactions. Companies are about working and serving people, and highly committed teams have to do with the organisation’s values, ethics and purpose. Employees understand and make the effort to fulfil the key organisation’s performance and results indicators. These are key elements to attract and retain the right people in the business and guarantee that the company’s success and sustainability indicators are fulfilled.   

Corporate leaders know that they can’t do all the work themselves but rather need others and teams in the organisation to support the company’s vision and obtain the desired results, as well as to attract the right people to the organisation. In this regard, leaders must know the map of their own organisation, which includes knowing where the business is headed and how it will reach its goals and specific milestones, in addition to having a results-centred strategy.